Special Educational Needs (SEN)

These documents and links show how our school supports learners with SEND.  If you require further information and support , please contact our school SENDCO  Mrs Leonie Cunnington on 01362 692727.

Accessibility Plan 2022-25

SEN Policy: SEND Policy 2023-24

SEN Information Report: SEN information report 2023 DCINS 

If you are a parent of a child with SEN at our school and you have a complaint about the support the school provides please speak to the headteacher. Please follow the link to our Complaints Policy http://www.dereham.norfolk.sch.uk/all-about-us/policies/  or click on the following link Complaints Policy 2021-2024

Useful links

Local Offer Website

Family Voice Norfolk

Health Advice & Support for Children – Just One Norfolk

Norfolk SEND Partnership Home Page (norfolksendiass.org.uk)

Norfolk SEN Network – Supporting parents of children with special educational needs

Nansa – Norfolk and Norwich SEND association