Home Learning

Nursery Learning

Nursery Home Learning

Reception Learning

Year 1 Learning

Home Learning Ideas

Maths Home Learning Pack

Phonics Home Learning Pack

Year 2 Learning

Theme: Home Learning Spring 2

Literacy and Reading: Literacy and Reading ideas

Website ideas for learning at home

Oxford Owl for Home: https: //www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/

National Geographic: https: //www.natgeokids.com/uk/

Twinkl: https: //www.twinkl.co.uk/

Nursery- Parents are encouraged to assist their child to choose a book from the nursery library to share with their child at home in order to develop their speaking, listening and early literacy skills. Parents are encouraged to upload photos and learning opportunities of their children at home to Tapestry. Next Steps are added to Tapestry for parents to practice with their children at home.

Reception-The children are encouraged to practice reading skills at home, and take home a reading book which matches their level of development. Phonics keyrings are sent home when sounds are taught in class to practice at home. They are also given keywords to practice reading on sight. ‘Maths Monkey’ will also accompany the children home to support their learning at some point during the year. Each half term home learning ideas are sent home related to theme and celebrated in class and put on display when completed. Parents are encouraged to upload photos and learning opportunities of their children at home to Tapestry. Next Steps are added to Tapestry for parents to practice with their children at home.

Year One- The children are encouraged to practice reading skills at home by taking a reading book which matches their level of development, they are encouraged to read and change their reading book on a daily basis wherever possible. Spellings are sent home half termly. The children are given mathematics home learning task on a weekly basis linked to that week’s mathematics learning. Mathematics activities are completed in the Home Learning Book. Occasionally activities linked to the current class theme are sent home to develop and extend children’s learning. Each half term home learning ideas are sent home related to theme and celebrated in class and put on display when completed. The Artist of the Month is discussed in class and children can complete their own artwork related to the artist at home.

Year Two- The children are encouraged to practice reading skills at home by taking a reading book which matches their level of development, they are encouraged to read and change their reading book on a regular basis. Spellings are sent home each half term. The children are given mathematics and theme homework on a weekly basis linked to that week’s learning. Each half term home learning ideas are sent home related to theme and celebrated in class and put on display when completed. The Artist of the Month is discussed in class and children can complete their own artwork related to the artist at home.

If you would like paper copies of any of the below please contact the school office on (01362) 692727.